Saturday, January 3, 2009

Better Post

So my last entry might have been a little over the top but you will have to forgive me I'm just really excited to be here. Rwanda is dusty, loud, packed and very busy. That might be too general of a statement considering the only real experience I have with the country is the very center of the capital city. Nevertheless, my excitement continues in anticipation of my actual placement in a supposedly very rural area. Our Field Director has been slowly telling me more and more about our very amorphous placement. Amorphous is a word given to me by my super great roommate Elizabeth. She has referred to me as her west coast counterpart which I'll take considering she went to Yale. Ha! She has a lot to offer though considering her father does most of his business in East Africa and she spent the first five years of her life in Sudan. Anyway, enough about her more about me. Our placement has been given the very prestigious distinction of being the MOST rural. Should be interesting, we do have electricity though, which is a relief considering I'm working on my Zen with the bugs and lizards but only as long as I can see them!While in Kigali we are staying at a mission called St. Paul's. The accommodations are as simple as you would expect from a mission, and I just recently completed my first shower where I do not fix my eyes on the wasp's nest above me for the entire time. But I swear if that thing hatches while I am in there I will be permanently scarred. One of my favorite things about St. Paul's is the constant music. Every day, pretty much all day there are hymns echoing around the property. The mission also serves as a quasi orphanage for a few older children orphaned during the genocide. Elizabeth and I made friends with a guy named Bruno who showed us around the city while we bought cell phones, changed money and explored the super market. He was our first encounter with the not so free tour guide service that seems to be very common! Nevertheless he was a huge help on our first exploration of the city center. Another person I have met here is my future roommate Shira. She is a very calm spirit who often looks at me in complete confusion whenever I express concern over the lizards we share the bathroom with or the rat sized ants. Ok maybe not rat sized but big. She is also the one who told me snakes live in latrines so she certainly doesn't quell my fears! I'm excited to live with her though, we are a definite case of opposites attract. Well I feel like I've been a little more thorough and informative this go around! I was doing a treasure hunt around Kigali when we decided to stop for internet yesterday. The 70 year old in the group had yet to contact his wife and daughter so he was very concerned that he accomplish that . I can only hope I'm still going on adventures when I am that age! And I survived the Moto home even if it was the most terrifying/exhilarating experiences of my life! Love to everyone write me comments/emails!!!P.S. My friend Dan has taken some pics


michaeljappe said...

Claire!!! Wow, everything sounds like its going great. I'm so proud of you for handling all the bugs with such fortitude. I'm looking forward to tuning into this blog for all of your adventures. Have fun!!

Kathie and Jeff Regnier said...

Hey posters & readers.... the picture link was missing the "c" in flickr.... See pics in Kigalli @
Hiya Clairebear! I saw the pics & thought... welll... "WOW!" Should I be reminding you to take pics? Is this where I should start? I envy you for showering with the hornets nest... I would stay dirty for days in order to avoid the nest.... dan posted some great pics to see your accomidations. I like the net! Hah! I'm anxious to see your next post! Be safe! Love you!

Ellie said...

Aloha, Claire! So good to hear about your adventures... keep up your courageous (and humorous) spirit amidst it all. Be well, and send more photos!! Have the time of your life. :-) Hugs, Ellie