Friday, January 16, 2009

I wrote out a big long blog post and now I am at an internet cafe and my flash drive isn't working grrr! I am leaving Kigali tomorrow so I need to get a post up but instead of trying to be intelligent and thoughtful I will just do a recap of the main ideas.

-Butare: Visited the main University town, stayed at a volunteer house made lots of cool friends and also my favorite person, Elizabeth, will be living down there so I will be happy to go down and see them a lot. Went to an orphanage to visit with the children who were AIDS orphans and many of them were infected as well. Similar to the orphanage I visited in India only, sadly, much bigger.

-Orientation: Orientation is finally over. I will be leavin to Matimba in the very north of Uganda tomorrow. My headmaster will pick me and my roommate Shira up and we will discuss curriculum. I am very excited to see my living accomodation, but not nearly as excited for the bathroom situation.

-Kagame's motorcade: Was crossing the street in the embassy district. Looked right and didn't see any cars so across I went. All of a sudden I heard frantic honking and looked right again to see a Land Cruiser barreling towards me upwards of 100 miles an hour. SO scary. I am skittish when crossing the street already I started screaming and flailing. A sight to see I'm sure. There were two more land cruisers and then Kagame's land rover which I'm told never stop as a security precaution. Can you imagine the Obama traveling around like that? Man I'm bummed I have to miss the inaugeration.

-U.S. ambassador: My meeting with the U.S. ambassador went about as awkward as the British incident. We were at a reception for U.S. nationals in Rwanda which was a great networking tool. I felt very mature hobnobbing with ex-pats. I think I might have a lead on a job with World Relief when this is over. Anyway. The ambassador was giving a speech which apparently I was not paying enough attention too. So he commented on this and then proceeded to the back row where I was sitting and did the rest of the speech sitting next to Elizabeth and I. I was mortified. Everyone turned around and laughed, but I introduced myself later and I figure if there is ever a problem I'll always be that girl he called out in the back row. Plus, I invited myself back over to the residence(colonial mansion) for a Worldteach/Peace Corp party and he seemed very receptive to the idea!

Sorry this is brief I have a lot more to tell. I will do a better post next time but for now my friends from Butare in town and we have some celebrating to do! Miss everyone!


vivien said...

You seem to be making quite an impression on people in Rwanda!!!

You also seem optimistic about continuing to blog. Hope you're right. Its fun to read your posts!

Good Luck in Matimba


carol said...

yes it doesn't hurt to be remembered for something. good luck with the next part of your trip carol xx

Kathie and Jeff Regnier said...

Could you give me a signal when something as hysterically funny as you "flailing across the street" is going to be added to a post?! I BURSTED out laughing in my office (not a silent event) ... and tears were streaming down my face!!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for that story! I am sorry that it scared you... but I couldn't stop giggling! You're so damn humourous!

I can't wait for your next post! I'm anxious for you to get to your destination city!

The inaguaration was today... I've never watched one. Typical in it's format. The speech was exciting and direct; I thought, anyway.

talk to you soon mama!
xoxo kath

JRay says he loves his CoCo!