Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm Here

So I am finally here! After the longest flight of my life, I finally arrived in Kigali on the 30th after flying from Redmond to Salt Lake to D.C to Rome(to refuel) to Addis Ababa and finally here! I have to be brief because I am on the clock and the internet connection is SO slow but I'm writing to report that I absolutely love it here and have never been so convinced that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Our first day of orientation our group leader, Jessi, told us that we would be stared at constantly and yelled Mizungu which means white person in Swahili. Naturally I went in to town on my first day a little apprehensive but was actually pleasantly surprised. The stares are no worse than I would expect in say Italy and the cat calls don't even begin to rival France! Mizungu is not meant as an insult but it is a little weird to think about considering I would never just start yealling someones race! The traffic is insane and our group leader keeps telling us how fun the moto's are so I guess we are going to take one in a few minutes with my small group that I am with. I guess I should explain we are on a treasure hunt to familiarize ourselves with the different parts of Kigali. Basically orientation so far has felt like adult summer camp. Sorry if my writing is all over the place I am frantically trying to write as quickly as possible!
The people I have met here are really great. I love the group I am with and the Rwandese are extremely friendly. There is that annoying habit of when you ask for directions they show you instead of tell you and the hand they are holding out once you arrive is not for you to shake! Either way great company and a nice way for me to practice my absolutely pathetic french. I can not believe how terrible it is! We learned some Kinyarwanda which the little kids around town seem to find absolutely hilarious.
Alright well I am starting to get really anxious about making sure this actually posts so here mom I finally wrote on my blog are you happy now? I miss everyone but I am so happy to be on this adventure ill write a proper entry on my laptop and do a better post soon!


vivien said...

HI Claire,
Great to see your post and that you're on the internet! Dad says wear a helmet when you ride the moto! SOunds like your having a great time. Don't forget photos!
I guess be gratefull for any connection slow or not!

Miss you,

Love Mom

ADR said...

Awww Calire!

I am so excited you are sooo happy!!!! I am looking forward to hearing about all your adventures, you crazy girl you. Motos? Please do not fall, we all know how you bruise easily. I miss you sooooo stinking much. Send me your address ASAP so I can send you some stuff too, k!? I LOVE YOU HONEY!!

Love Alex

carol said...

hi claire
so glad that all is good so far. take care in that traffic!! absoulutely freezing here in uk minus 5C!!
love carol x

Unknown said...

Hi Claire, Cirinione's here. Glad you made it to Kigali safe and sound. Africa is such an interesting place. We're thinking of you. Take Care.

katzwife said...

Hey Claire,
It's jess from pastini!! Glad to see that you made it there ok sounds like your really enjoying it!! Hope all goes well for you!!